Stress Affect

Building the Nation


Dream Apartment- Rental Policy for Ease of Living

We have many dreams that we dream about while sleeping and hope that they will be fulfilled one day even though the times are such that it is difficult to even dream about certain things.

The youngsters have to burn midnight oil to get good scores to just clear school but things are quite eased out now where you have many options to choose from as a career due to many opportunities opening up with the advent of social media.

As a result of which, many youngsters can showcase their talent that is not at the mercy of menial jobs that they consider below their dignity following which they are able to fulfill their dreams but we are still in the nascent stages of such outlook as most people consider a regular job as a safer option and choose to go for it to be on the safer side of the fence.

Housing Scheme

It is a nice feeling when your big dreams are fulfilled and you can be away from the shelter of your parents’ comfort home and find one of your own where you start out in a rented apartment in the initial stages so that it will be a nice beginning for some important things.

Now we know that it is difficult for anyone to start out on with the journey to buy an accommodation and you just can’t look up any random Jakarta apartment online or any place of your choice in the world and buy it in a jiffy, which is enough for many people to lose confidence.

However, even though the beginning is difficult, the rest of the journey becomes smooth if you don’t flounder in the initial stages with certain challenges that might take it out of you.

Speaking of rental apartments, if you are in a job that requires you to be in office from 9 to 5, then it is better to go for a smaller sized one with 1 BHK because that alone is difficult to manage and keep clean where you can’t even hire a maid, at least within a few months of joining.

It is no rocket science to find your dream apartment because it isn’t necessary that it has to be in a Porsche locality as ordinary folks are more than satisfied with a simple roof but now you can get one with a toilet and kitchen at any locality in the vicinity.


  • It is important for you to conduct extensive research online regarding the prices of certain apartments so that you can pay the rent as per your budget because some people want to have minimum two rooms and are willing to pay anything to get it but end up biting off more than they can chew when the rents shoot up
  • Look up information regarding the landlords because there are some that keep fluctuating the price of their apartments, which can be done by paying a visit to his address and meeting him