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I Declared War On Mice & Things I Learned

I Declared War On Mice & Things I Learned

Writing about mice ugly little rodents is not on my priority list, but given the time of year when mice are looking for a warm place to hide I think it might help my readers in some ways.

I live in the middle of orchards and vineyards so mice population around our home is pretty large.We have been in a process of remodeling and renovating our home so I’ve been facing little rodent problems for over a year now.

Few months ago we finished our home renovation and I’ve been told by my hunter-gatherer-protector husband that my mice problems are over… is completely sealed and there is NO WAY for any mice to come in unless we leave the doors open for a long time.

Well, few weeks after my husband left town (and is not due home till December) my pantry was attacked and lots of food damage was done…..never mind the fact that when I opened my eyes after my morning meditation I saw a mouse sitting on top of my curtain rod starring at me with those little creepy eyes. I Declared War On Mice & Things I Learned

So this is the way I see it……either my kids have very bad door closing habits or my husband was WRONG!!!….Personally, I know it’s the second one….

….and this is how I know….

….after catching 5….yes, 5 dirty disgusting mice in period of two weeks I decided to call in the professionals (well, I had hubs do it long distance to give him the satisfaction of still being the man of the house)….and they found not ONE, but…….TWO little tiny holes for mice to attack my home and ravage my pantry.

My knight in shining armor a.k.a Pest Control dude not only filled the holes, but gave me a little mice 101 education.

Common House Mice might not be as bad as other rodents, but having mice in your house is not a laughing matter.

  • Mice might not eat a lot, but they can contaminate all the food they come in contact with and cause you to waste lots of food from your pantry (I am painfully aware of this).
  • Mice can cause huge structural damage to your home.They can chew through electrical insulation and cause fires.
  • Mice can cause contamination of the environment by leaving droppings inside the walls and inside the home insulation.
  • Food contaminated by mice is almost 10 times bigger then what they will eat.Therefore throw away even a big bag with a tiny hole.
  • Mice and parasites they carry can transmit many diseases like Salmonellosis, Rickettsial Pox and Hanta Virus.
  • Bacterial food poisoning occurs when foods are contaminated with infected rodent droppings. Mice also carry many types of tapeworms and roundworms infectious to pets and humans alike.
  • Hanta virus pulmonary syndrome (HPS), which causes severe illness and even death in humans is transmitted by several mouse species including the common house mouse.

To reduce the risk of contacting organisms transmitted by mice, you ALWAYS should:

  • Clean up mouse contaminated areas by using wet methods which includes disinfectants with bleach
  • Always wear gloves when cleaning or handling mice
  • Avoid sweeping and vacuuming if possible
  • Discard ALL foods that have signs of being nibbled on and food that were open
  • If mice droppings were found inside your cupboards disinfect ALL pots and pans and other utensils

I Declared War On Mice & Things I LearnedRemember, as dangerous and gross as mice droppings might be the invisible (most of the time) mouse urine is much worse for spreading diseases.

There are few things you should to know to keep your home mouse and rodent free:

  • Under normal circumstances (not living in the middle of orchard or farm) mice don’t come in unless there is something inviting that brings them in like open doors or garage doors with dog/cat food or grass/bird seeds inside.
  • The most effective and humane way to catch mice is simple snap trap.
  • Once they in the house mice have the same routine…..they run along the walls and edges always in the same area so place mouse traps along the wall where you see mice droppings.
  • Mice prefer food they’ve already eaten. Put in the trap food they gotten into like cereal, pasta, chips….
  • Mice love nesting material like dental floss, strings, threads. You can use them as a bait.
  • If you suspect mice problem or if you live in rural area it’s a good idea to call Pest Control before winter to make sure there are no ways for mice to get into your home.

There are so many rodent products and traps on the market these days, but most of them are just waste of money.

  • Catch & Release traps are useless….it takes long time for mice (if ever) to enter them and the mice will be killed by exposure shortly after release.
  • Poison Bags & Bricks are dangerous for domestic animals and children. Also they kill mice making them dehydrated from the inside and likely dying slowly in the middle of your kitchen or room trying to get to water source.
  • Plug-In Ultrasonic Mouse Repellent are the biggest waste of money. In my experience they don’t do absolutely anything to keep mice out.

Do you have any other Mice Prevention tips or ideas? I would love to hear them?

Jaime London is a writer, contributor, editor and a photographer. He started his career as an editorial assistant in a publishing company in Chicago in 2009.