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Cbd Guide Health and Fitness Health Care

Cbd Oil And Its Effects On Mental Disorders – Anxiety


According to survey and research, 2.8 percent of the world population was suffering from anxiety disorders. This means that 1 our of 10 people are diagnosed with this kind of mental health across the globe. Depression is no longer the most common mental health disorder, it has been outpaced by anxiety. To provide treatment for this mental health issue, most people are relying on CBD products rather than commonly prescribed treatments. People who are suffering from anxiety are more likely to go to a healthcare provider and even more likely to get hospitalized for psychiatric disorders.

Anxiety and Cannabis

According to a survey in 2017, almost 42 percent of users of cannabis were reported to replace their commonly prescribed medications for anxiety for cannabis. In relation, almost 40 percent of those who were surveyed attest to the fact that CBD was even more effective when it comes to treating mental health problems like anxiety. Generally, most of those who are suffering from anxiety fail to look for their treatment because of the expensive cost of treatment. Normally, a low cost treatment such as cognitive behavioral therapies are ranging from $1oo to $120 or more very hour. This means that a normal citizen who earns minimum wage who suffers from anxiety needs to work extra hard and look for additional jobs just for him or her to afford a session. On top of that, usually, not all health insurance can cover for specific medications such as anxiety. Hence, this kind of situation makes it even difficult for average people. As a result, people who suffer from anxiety would rather choose CBD products over traditional treatment. And with the effectiveness of CBD, it is no wonder why people turn to this option.

The benefits of CBD products have been challenged by health regulators because of its psychotropic cannabis counterpart which is the THC, a compound that has psychoactive properties making people high. But through the aid of extensive research and development, it has been undermined the negative case against CBD products. It has been proven that CBD could provide therapeutic benefits to patients specially to those who are suffering from anxiety and other mental disorders. As a result of this, many countries have opened their boundaries to consider CBD based medications as a treatment for wide variety of medical conditions. CBD is a highly versatile form of medication and it can be availed in a lower cost compared to traditional methods of medication. You can also get a medical cannabis license to purchase cbd products like CBD oil for anxiety from an authorized licensed vendor.

Aside from anxiety, CBD products can also be sued to treat different and several health conditions such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, depression, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. CBD products have been approved by the FDA or Food and Drug Administration as a safe and reliable substance for medication. For more information about some CBD products, you can read the full review here.

Jaime London is a writer, contributor, editor and a photographer. He started his career as an editorial assistant in a publishing company in Chicago in 2009.