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Month: June 2020

Some Basic Bowling Terminology

A large number of people already know that bowling is where you roll a ball down a lane, knock down some pins, and score points. Once known as a gambling game where men bet money on the outcome of their (and other’s) skills, the sport has become such a popular recreational past-time that people already know a lot of the terminology without having thrown a ball down a lane, much less stepped in a center.

Let’s take a look at some basic bowling terminology that the beginning bowler can learn quickly and easily. These are terms to make you sound like you know what you’re doing the next time you go bowling with your family or friends. Keep in mind, though, that you may be able to “talk-the-talk” but unless you have practiced, you may not be able to “walk-the-walk.” Bowling does take some coordination and practice to bowl consistently good scores.

The place where you go to bowl, besides being called bowling lanes, are also known as the “center,” the “alley,” or the “house” interchangeably.

Apart from this, some bowling ball features also identify with types of players which is why one needs to choose the correct bowling ball while playing a game where you need to keep your entire focus on the bowling alley and free your mind of all thoughts until the game is over.

Lane Approach –

the “approach” is the physical area you walk on. It begins adjacent to the ball returns and ends at the foul line. It is generally 15 feet long. There are two demarcation lines and dots that aid the bowler in lining up their position.

Bowling Approach –

your walk, or “approach,” to deliver the ball onto the lane.

Arrows (target arrows, mark) –

positioned 15 feet down the lane from the foul line, the “arrows” are actually triangular arrowheads. There are seven of them equally spaced five boards apart.

Automatic Ball Returns –

Between each pair of lanes (lanes 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, etc.), running underground; the bowling ball is picked up from the back of the lane and returned to the bowlers.

Automatic Scorekeepers –

generically, referred to as “the computer,” or “automatic scorers.” Displayed on screens above the approaches, computers keep a person’s score.


the bowling lane is 41.5 inches in width from channel to channel (gutter to gutter) and is comprised of thirty-nine 1-inch boards. In actuality, each “board” is actually 1.064 inches wide. On wooden lanes, they are actually boards, while on synthetic lanes, they are merely simulations.

Bumpers or rails –

side railings that can be raised for younger kids in order that the ball doesn’t constantly go in the gutter (channel) thereby resulting in a score of zero. Established bowling centers will manually raise them while newer centers enable the automatic scorers to be programmed so they are automatically raised and lowered.

Foul Line –

the dark strip that divides the approach from the actual playing surface of the lane. If a bowler goes beyond this line or touches anything beyond this line, the ball that was thrown is declared a “dead” ball and scores as a zero. When participating in league or tournament competition, an automatic sensor is turned on and an indicator light with a audible buzzer signals the foul..

Gutters or channel –

these are the darker colored grooves on each side of the actual lane. They are usually a darker gray in color and run the entire length of the lane. When the ball enters the gutter, it is considered as out-of-play so will be a dead ball.

Pinsetters or pinspotters –

the machinery at the far end of each lane that sets up the pins in a triangular pattern.

This is a short list just to get the beginner started because there is much, much more terminology. The more you go bowling, the more terms you will learn. Good Luck, Good Fun, and Good Scoring!

Review of Ed Hardy Hearts & Daggers, Perfume for Women

The last time I bought a perfume gift set at my local Macy’s, I was happy to see that they had added 2 brand new perfume sample viles into my shopping bag to try out as testers.

I never really like the free tester samples they have given to me in the past, but for once they got it right, and added a glass sample vile of Ed Hardy, Hearts and Daggers.

Not being a huge fan of the tattoo print guru, I figured I wouldn’t like it, but I naturally went ahead and tried it anyway. I mean hello, it was free. I had no idea that after spraying it for the first time, that the following week I’d be returning to Macy’s to purchase the full scale bottle of the perfume. I was won over in just seconds with this gem.

The Bottle:

The bottle that Hearts  amp; Daggers comes in is very juvenile, and fun, but their style has never been anything I am into. It almost makes the perfume seem cheap, generic, and low quality due to the bold nature of the tattoo graphic infested bottle.

The Scent:

At first Ed Hardy’s Hearts  amp; Daggers smells like pure fruity sweetness. This scent however has been overdone some many times in the past by other perfume companies. However Hearts  amp; Daggers begins to fade off into this odd little mixture of recognizable fruits that stand out on their own. The scent of citrusy grapefruit was what was most obvious to me at first, and a light but enjoyable undertone of sweet apples. It has other fragrances of florals that I was also able to pick up as the scent begins to settle in.

It would fleetingly remind you of Eclatant in places as the aroma is kind of similar but the florals definitely give it a flowery scent that is so strong that you can simply drink into it without even realizing it.

For me, Hearts and Daggers was a perfect mello mix of fruits and flowers, and the scent just reminded me of the warmer months that would soon be ahead.

The Last:

So it was obvious I was in love with the scent, but many perfume’s that smell like flowers and fruit tend to not last long at all, and I worried that Ed Hardy Hearts  amp; Daggers would have the same problem.

Thankfully the scent sticks, and it sticks for quite awhile. I was able to detect the sweeter notes of the fragrance for about a half day till finally I could no longer smell it.


I’m in love with this one, it can be worn for any occasion, and it lasts so you do not have to really worry about carrying the bottle around with you for touch-ups.

If you already know you love fruity fragrances, you will especially find love for Ed Hardy’s Hearts  amp; Daggers.

How to Keep Your Child Healthy for Years to Come

Your child is growing every day. Nutrition is the foundation of growth. First of all, your child needs fluids. Lots of fluids…Children move a lot, they sweat and lose fluids more quickly than adults. They are at risk of dehydration. Symptoms of dehydration are dizziness, nausea, and weakness. If your child develops any of these symptoms, and does not respond to water, run, don’t walk to the nearest hospital. Dehydration is dangerous, and can damage vital organs, if left untreated.

It is essential that children drink lots of water. Water also flushes out toxins. In this modern era of pollution and chemical poisons, it is important to move toxins out of a child’s system whenever possible.

Your child needs five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables daily. If your child, like many children, has not developed the taste for vegetables yet, give your child fruit instead. Much of the nutrition in vegetables is also in fruits. Vegetables taste bitter to children, and as taste buds change with maturity, most children will eat vegetables when they are ready. Never force children to eat vegetables. That can backfire by making children avoid vegetables for life. In order to buy megasporebiotic, all the essential information should be available with the person. The products should be not made available to the children for the consumption. The avoidance of the products should be done when there will be harmful effects on the health of the person. The serving of the food should be done in the best possible way for the person. 

Try offering your child a delicious, cold fruit smoothie. Throw in fresh bananas, strawberries, fruit juice and yogurt. Your child will receive four or five of the much needed helpings of fresh fruits. If your child seems disinterested in the smoothie, try offering the smoothie after your child has gone outside to play. It will be downed with eagerness after your child’s physical workout.

Yogurt with live cultures is important for children. Yogurt prevents stomach flu and gastrointestinal troubles brought on by unwashed hands, and handling of pets. Since children generally live closer to the earth, yogurt is a preventative measure against the intake of germs, and other prowlers of the digestive tract.

Soy milk is growing in popularity. With its high amount of protein and calcium, it is a surefire “must” for children with allergies to dairy. Soy milk has less sodium and less fat than dairy milk, yet has many of the same nutrients. Soy milk is good for the heart.

Heart health is important, even if your children are young. Autopsies done on American soldiers in Vietnam, who were as young as eighteen and nineteen years of age, produced shocking evidence of arteries clogged with plaque. Much of plaque is cause by saturated fats and trans fats.

Saturated fats are found in meats, especially red meat, such as bacon, pork and beef. Saturated fats are found in dairy foods, too. Limiting these foods is a good idea. Buying lean cuts and low fat , or non-fat, dairy foods is a good preventative measure to safeguard your children’s health.

Trans fats are not only harmful to the heart, they also create weight problems.. Legislation has been passed lately to outlaw trans frats in restaurants. How do you know if you have trans fats in the food you are feeding your children? Look at the ingredients. If the ingredients say: “partially hydrogenated,” you are serving your children trans fats. It doesn’t matter what is partially hydrogenated, it could be soybean, palm, coconut oil, etc. “Partially hydrogenated” means the oils harden when they warm up. With a body’s temperature hitting 92 or 93 degrees, this substance will thicken, harden, and eventually block free flowing, healthy passage ways in the body.

Unfortunately, many of the cheaper, quick, frozen foods have trans fats in them. Safer oil alternatives are olive oil, safflower oil and canola oil. However, purer, healthier, oils are more expensive. It is up to you to weigh the price tag. If your child has a constant diet of “partially hydrogenated” foods, you are increasing your child’s chances of suffering later. Do you really want to do that?

Another problem with frozen, canned, and packaged foods, is the high amount of sodium. Look again at the ingredients, and see the amount of sodium in the food. Many packages will give the percentage of sodium. Often it is as much as fifty percent. If your child’s intake of sodium is not matched by an equal amount of potassium, your child’s health will be impacted. Lack of potassium can hurt your child’s electric system, a system your child’s heart depends on to function smoothly. Too much sodium in childhood can pave the way for high blood pressure later. Foods high in potassium that counter the high intake of sodium are bananas, potatoes, and orange juice.

Finally, the fresher your child’s foods, and the less pesticides, the safer for your child. Pesticides have dioxin in them, a toxin which stores in your child’s fat cells and creates damage on a cellular level. In the final outcome, how you feed your child is akin to putting money in a bank account for your child’s future. The more healthy foods in childhood, the greater your gift of health to your child, in later years when you’re no longer cooking.

What is Reflection Coatings?

When choosing a pair of eyeglasses, there are several factors that you need to carefully consider before choosing the right one for you. Quality and durability are the common things that people look for in a pair of glasses. This will ensure that you are spending your money on something worth it.

Another factor that people consider is the cost of the product. People tend to go for eyeglasses that are affordable and budget friendly that doesn’t compromise the quality. But do you know that there is another element that you should pay attention to when buying pair of eyeglasses? This is the type of lens coatings. This will determine how effective your glasses when it comes to different forces such as light, dirt etc. As such, one of the common types of coating that has been highly recommended by experts and is now gaining popularity because of its benefit to users is the anti-reflective coating. So, what exactly is an anti reflection coatings. This article will go through some of the important details that you need to know about anti-reflection coatings and how it is beneficial to people who wear eyeglasses.

One of the main advantages of using anti-reflective coating on your glasses is that it can cut glare and allow more light to pass through to your eyes. As a result, you’ll have clearer and better vision. Basically, an anti-reflective coating is a type of coating applied to the surface of the lens of your eyeglasses that aims to minimize the amount of glare that reflect off your lenses. This will enable you to see the world on a clearer perspective. So, if you always do public speaking or if you always talk to someone in work, business or office, this AR coating will definitely help you.

One of the common problems about traditional glasses is that people see your lenses more instead of your eyes. This is the reason why when someone takes a picture of you, you can’t see your eyes in the photo. This is because in some photos and certain lightning, the light that bounces off your lenses makes it hard to see it actually. But with AR coatings in your lenses, it will reduce the glare appearances of your lenses. As a result, people can see your eyes clearly instead of your lenses. Hence, AR coatings are the best options for your eyeglasses’ lenses.

Another benefit that you can get from using AR coating in your lenses is that it can reduce eye strain. This coating is perfect for you if you are the type of person who always in front of a computer for a longer period of time, or if you watch movies frequently, then AR coatings should be in the surface of your lens. Since AR coating allows more light to pass through your eyes, you can certainly relax while wearing your eyeglasses. It is also durable because it is scratch resistant so you can ensure that it will last for a longer period of time.

Two of the Best Independent Laurel Heights Coffee Shops

Good morning! Start the day right with a “cuppa” your favorite brew. Laurel Heights/Presidio Heights is great neighborhood for local shopping and dining amenities, and coffee shops are no exception. True, we’re just a little short on nightlife.

Here are the top picks:

Laurel Village – Rigolo Cafe

We call it the Noah’s Ark of Shopping Centers, because there’s two of everything. Except coffee shops and banks, there are four each of these! Three blocks of popular stores and restaurants with (you can get a 90-minute validation from any shop) free parking lot at the rear and metered parking in the front which runs from Laurel to Spruce Street along California Street. The MUNI number 1 and number 2 buses stop along here.

At the corner of Spruce Street, you’ll find San Francisco’s only 24-hour Starbucks, only closed for three hours from about 1 am to 4 am on Sunday night/Monday morning. Just a block east, there’s are a couple more chains, Peet’s and Noah’s Bagels.

While the first are chains and definitely have their fans, Rigolo Cafe is a family-owned place, completely unique, with a full menu and well worth a visit. Rigolo’s theme is French fun and flair, in a high-celilinged place with black and white umbrellas hanging upside down from above. It feels like a tribute to “Singing in the Rain”, and I believe it is meant to! With an emphasis on keeping the kids happy and engaged, there is a children’s play area, cookies that the kids adore and a kids’ menu. Pull up to a cafe table with rattan chairs on the sidewalk, a la Parisien, for some people-watching in fine weather. Even their website is fun to look at, with a good deal of helpful information and menus, biographies of the owners and staff as well as their favorite menu selections, so you feel that you get to know everyone a bit.

Sacramento Street – Dolce  amp; Salato

Dolce  amp; Salato, corner of Locust Street is one of their two locations, the other being Market Street between 7th  amp; 8th Streets. You will find an amazing array of choices on the menu, and one of the few places where all coffees and teas are offered hot or iced. good Italian coffee, cappuccino, home baked pastries and the newspaper to start your day right. Bagels are delivered fresh daily and eggs – with bacon, cheese or tomato – are also on the menu. Generous paninis (eggplant with roasted bell peppers and mozzarella was tasty) on focaccia, sandwiches and wraps accompanied by soup or salad, or a big salad on its own are available for lunch and a beer and wine menu is coming soon at this location. It’s a relaxing atmosphere with chandelier and murals on the walls, to inspire a touch of Italy. They use local suppliers, have better than average china cups and saucers, use recycled products for take-out containers. Shorter hours, though. Official websites of the subscription are provided to the person. Interested person can click here for freshly roasted coffee within affordable rates. The products will be made available as per the specifications of the customer to get the best profit. Proper research on the link can be made through the person for further information.