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How To Get Legs Stronger? – Check The Essentials

Most men have been quick to rule out the ever-feared ‘leg day’. Sure, calves look great, but who’s going to admire them under a pair of jeans? Is it really worth devoting so much time to sculpting your mostly-covered chicken legs?

How to get the legs stronger? You can find the answer at this page with little research. You can get to know about the workout methods and measure available to have the benefit. The availability of the strong legs is possible for the individuals with fewer efforts.

And that, my friends, is an idea that, whilst true, is one you need to scrap right now.

Testosterone and Human Growth Hormone (or HGH) are two chemicals operating on a positive-feedback mechanism − that is to say, the more you work out, the more the two are produced and you reap the benefits. For you muscle heads with no understanding of chemistry, allow me to spell it out: working the legs allows you to build mass in the rest of the body faster.

Not to mention the aesthetic beauty of having a lovely pair of teardrops.

Let’s now go through three popular workouts to turn those toothpicks quads into tree trunks.

Barbell Squats

  • Targets: Quadriceps
  • Also works: Glutes and calves
  • Equipment: Barbell rack; barbell


With the barbell at chest height, duck under so that it rests across your shoulders and touches the back of your neck. Ensure that your shoulder are positioned directly above your feet to avoid injury. When you are ready, simply push up to free the barbell from the rack, keeping your back straight, before slowly squatting until the point where your thighs are parallel to the floor. Pause for a second before rising again and repeating.

Quantity: 4 sets, 8 reps

Scissor Jumps

  • Targets: Quadriceps
  • Also works: Glutes and hamstrings
  • Equipment: Body weight


Body weight exercises such as these are often overlooked but are, in fact, highly underrated. The execution is much easier for this exercise: simply begin in the traditional lunge position (that is, leaning on the front leg, with the other behind, ensuring that the knee hovers just above the ground). From here, simply drive upwards, leaping as high as possible, whilst switching your legs so that you land in an alternate lunge.

Quantity: 3 sets, until failure.

Bench Step-Up with Dumbbells

  • Targets: Quadriceps
  • Also works: Glutes, calves and hamstrings


Holding a dumbbell in each hand at waist level, step up with one leg onto the bench, adjusted at a height that places strain on the quads when you drive up, but not so high as to cause potential damage to the knee. Use your heel and extend the raised leg until it is straight, placing the other on the bench. The move should end with you standing on it. From here, step down with the other leg so as to return to the starting position, albeit with an alternate stance.

Quantity: 2 sets, 20 reps per leg.

Incorporating these moves into your leg workout will ensure rapid gains. Be sure to breathe correctly and apply common sense to minimize the risk of injury. You may also require a tub of green paint after several weeks if you wish to perfect the Hulk look. Don’t underestimate the vitality of leg day, kids.

Jaime London is a writer, contributor, editor and a photographer. He started his career as an editorial assistant in a publishing company in Chicago in 2009.