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Advice on Destination Weddings

Planning a destination wedding is one way for a couple to lessen the time it takes to plan the wedding. With destination weddings, the majority of the work is done by the staff and others at the destination. While these…


Alaska Holiday & Tourism Guide

Bush pilots, active volcanoes, calving glaciers, wild salmon and king crab: Alaska is a wilderness. From moose in downtown Anchorage to remote fishing in glacier-fed rivers, visitors will find a wealth of adventures awaiting. Choose a cruise in Prince William…


Cheap Summer Vacation Ideas for a Family

Financial difficulties and economic uncertainty can prevent many families from taking their dream summer vacation. However, families can discover plenty of cheap vacation options through careful research. Local entertainment, free museums and service opportunities can contribute to an unforgettable family…


Roman Catholic Religion in Luxembourg

In Luxembourg, people often have large families. It is normal for them to raise in a city and to remain there for the rest of their lives. Therefore ties and obligations to other members of their families are very close….


The Best Honeymoon Destinations on a Budget

Weddings can cost in the tens of thousands of dollars, and the average honeymoon can cost around a few thousand depending on where the couple decides to vacation. There are so many options for newlyweds when it comes to choosing…

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What Are The Benefits Of Decorating Wall With Tapestry?

Are you going to renovate your home? Do you want to give it a modern look? If so, then you are at right place because we are going to discuss tapestry. There are different types of tapestries available in the market. Tapestries are playing a vital role in changing the appearance of the home. You may have an idea or not, but these tapestries are getting more popularity for many good reasons.

With the article, we are going to discuss the benefits of the decoration of home with tapestry. It is extremely important to know the benefits of tapestry. If you want to get the best option at a reasonable price, then you can consider about purple and grey tapestry for sale. No doubt, there are so many different options available in the market to choose from. It is a really great object that can change the look of your home.

Benefits of the tapestry for home decor

  • Flexible

You will get the flexibility option with these tapestries. Here, we don’t mean that you can easily move or you can bend tapestry easily. By this, we mean by the flexibility is that you can rearrange these pieces. In other simple words, you can change the piece to giving a unique look to your home.

  • Durable

Another benefit of the tapestry is its durability. It is a really great object that you can use for a long time. Purple ad grey tapestry for sale is one of the most durable décor items that you can access for your home. Most of the people like to buy this kind of tapestry that you can have in your home.

  • Beautiful

No doubt, these tapestries can change the look of your home. It is a unique art that is completely woolen and tread based work. Such artwork is getting more popularity for its unique look and demand. These look like a painting that you can easily hang on your walls.

  • Adaptable

You can use this item of home décor any where you want to use. Because of the material and finish process, you can use them indoors or out. There is no doubt that the outdoor location can affect the artwork. Due to this, you will have to add a new clear coat every few years.

  • Affordable

The artwork of tapestry is affordable compare than other options. There are many different types that you can get at a reasonable price. If you want to get the best option at a reasonable cost, then you should go for purple and grey tapestry for sale and choose the best option.

  • Unique idea

It is a really amazing and unique idea to décor home with tapestry. It is completely tread and woolen based artwork that gives a unique look to the home. If you want to give a unique look to your room, then nothing is much better then tapestries to décor your home.

At last, you should choose the best option for the process of home décor,

10 Fearless Public Relations Crisis Predictions For 2012

Some things in life are predictable. Like the sun coming up every morning, you just know there’s going to be a public relations crisis sooner or later. Here’s my 10 PR crisis predictions for 2012 along with some helpful tips and Do’s and Don’ts.

10 Fearless Public Relations Crisis Predictions For 2012

These are only 10, there are obviously countless others but c’mon, you know there’s is going to be buzzing about…

  1. Another very religious politician getting tripped up in a sex scandal.
  2. One of 2011’s hottest new social media apps “jumping the shark” and becoming stale as old beer.
  3. What? A service charge for that !@#!
  4. A giant security breach occurring because an employee loses or misplaces a laptop.
  5. In a bold slap in the face to tax payers, government employees in X or Y major city abusing their parking and travel expense privileges.
  6. He’s a great athlete but a bad husband/dad/pet owner.
  7. A major toy maker/auto maker/appliance maker recalling products due to safety issues. Pundits insisting they should have known better.
  8. What? His bonus was that BIG even though the company lost money?
  9. Kanye, Lindsey, Charlie and/or Whitney in trouble again!
  10. What? She was so (uniformed/insensitive/inappropriate) to tweet THAT?

Obviously each of the above issue poses a different set of challenges to brand managers. If that politician referenced in #1 has nothing to do with your particular brand or company, what do you care?

But if that toy referenced in #7 is your best seller, well that of course is another story.

And in today’s digital, real-time, news-in-a-flash on any number of devices, hand-held-or-otherwise world we find ourselves in, companies and brands need to be at the ready to deal with a public relations crisis head on.

10 Fearless Public Relations Crisis Predictions For 2012Engagement Is Key
The need to engage your customer, prospects and constituencies is even more paramount during a PR crisis because effective and transparent communications coupled with a solid plan can make all of the difference in terms of the positive or negative impact on a brand… be it a business, a celebrity or a politician.

The Do’s and the Don’ts10 Fearless Public Relations Crisis Predictions For 2012

Here are the three things you MUST do in a crisis situation …

  1. Be proactive and assertive. Gather all of the facts, agree to a communications strategy along with key messages and then take control of the presentation of these message as much as possible.
  2. Set up a communications chain of command. Agree to who will be delivering the message and get everyone involved to follow this protocol.
  3. Continuously access the effectiveness and appropriateness of messaging based on new information, reactions of key audiences, feedback from direct and on-line channels.

Here are three things you should NOT do …

  1. Hide or bury the truth. It always comes out — particularly now in the 24/7 on-line news world where traditional and citizen journalists, citizen journalists, bloggers and pundits are all “reporting.”
  2. Try to fake it, guess or speculate. Analyze the crisis issue, develop your response and stick to key messages and facts.
  3. Belabor the issue. The goal of effective crisis communications is to get your position across in a fast, effective and direct manner so that the world and the public hopefully moves on to other concerns.


Mobile Marketing Spending To Have The Biggest Increase Over Next Five Years

Among all Interactive Marketing platforms, Mobile Marketing is expected to grow 38% over the next five years with an estimated $8.2 billion being allocated to it by the year 2016.

I am surely no rocket scientist nor Al Einstein (he said to me once, ‘You can call me, Al’ – it’s a long story) but anyone with half a brain or perhaps even less than that could foresee the future and see that is paved with mobile phones. I mean, who doesn’t have a cell phone these days?

“The number of advertisers using mobile advertising has doubled in just two years and accordingly mCommerce is growing right along with it. Marketers need to grow along with it.” That was something I wrote back in June titled The Rapid Rise Of Mobile Advertising And mCommerce. About a month later I scribed Another Reason Why Marketers Need To Be Mobile where I told of the fact that the “total value of mobile payments for digital and physical goods, money transfers and NFC (Near Field Communications) transactions is expected to hit $670 billion by 2015 – nearly three times as much as will be seen this year, $240 billion.”

Mobile Marketing

And today I bring you the findings from a Forrester report the “U.S. Interactive Marketing Forecast, 2011 to 2016” which states that among all interactive marketing platforms, the one with the highest increase in terms of spending will be mobile marketing.

Now as you’ll see from the chart below, in terms of actual dollars, Search Engine Marketing will still lead the way but will in fact lose some of its interactive spending pie, falling from 55% to 44% from 2011 to 2016. Forrester analyst Shar VanBoskirk attributes the drop in dollars being allocated to Search Engine Marketing to the rise of biddable display media, the growth of mobile and investment in social networks and alternative search networks such as Facebook, YouTube and ratings and reviews sites such as Yelp.

Mobile Marketing

Another not surprising, at least to me, takeaway from this report is the fact that Social Media Marketing will have the second highest growth rate (26%) after mobile marketing. Don’t worry, I’m not going to overload you with the latest Facebook, Twitter and Social Media in general stats, you know and have heard them all by now.

But… What’s perhaps most amazing, most incredible, most… ok, you get my point, but what truly caught my eye, is the fact that spending on Interactive Marketing as a whole will increase 85% from 2011 – 2016. Yes, 85%, with spending on Interactive Marketing accounting for 35% of all spending by the year 2016, up from 19% in 2011. Another way to look at it is by 2016, the amount spent on Interactive Marketing is expected to reach $76.6 billion, which is what is spent on TV advertising right now.

Obviously, at least I think it’s obvious, spending on television (AKA a non-Interactive platform) will increase as well over the next five years. Sorry to all those who have predicted and will continue to predict the demise of television and television advertising, and you know who you are, but television advertising is not going anywhere. It will continue to play a role in any integrated marketing campaign of offline and online strategies.

So, spending on Interactive Marketing is increasing 85% from 2011 to 2016, at least according to Forrester.

Where do you fall in all this?

Are you a marketer who currently allocates a portion of your budget to Interactive?

Do you plan on increasing your spend on Interactive over the next five years?

If so, which platform(s) do you plan on using more?

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