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The Abyssinian Cat Breed

The Abyssinian is a beautiful short hair cat breed that has won of the hearts of many cat owners for its special distinct appearance. Its one of the most popular breeds in the United States because of its easy to keep up fur and pretty features. The true origins of this breed are unknown even after all the years it has been on this earth. Its origins date back ancient Egypt where this breed was worshipped and loved by much of the royalty. Its safe to say this cat breed has its origins eastern Africa.


This cat has a lean body, very flexible and agile with long legs and neck. They have almond shape eyes coming in colors of green, yellow, orange, and sometimes blue. Their heads a tiny bit broad and their ears stick up high. Their tail is long to match their body length and it comes to a point at the end. This cat seems to come in only two color which makes it so distinguishable. Their coloring is a rich cinnamon brown, darker on the back and lighter on the chest and belly, or a soft blue. Around their face they can sometimes have small black marks, almost looking like they’re wearing makeup.

Abyssinians are quite a unique breed and apart from a nice body they also have a sharp mind and one has to get more info through online research to understand how complicated a breed they are.


Abyssinian cats are known to be very playful with their masters and can grow close to them. They are incredibly intelligent and will listen to when they are called. They are slightly different from the stereotype of an arrogant non listening cat, as they enjoy the company of their owner and will greet them at all times. They tend to not laze around all day and love to explore their surroundings being quite inquisitive. Abyssinians are the perfect cat for someone who enjoys an active animal that never knows when to quit playing!


The short fur coat makes it easy to brush this cat. Grooming once a week with a soft toothed brush is all the breed needs, since they can groom themselves very adequately. They need a bath at least once a month.


One small downside to this cat is they can live up to twelve years, about the same as a large sized dog. Most cats can live up to eighteen or twenty years, but the Abyssinian’s longevity is unfortunately shorter. This does not stop the cat from being healthy, as the breed does not have many genetic problems are is quite sturdy.

Abyssinian cats have such a unique and beautiful look which draws people in. Anyone who wants a playful and fun loving cat should decide on getting this attractive breed.

Jaime London is a writer, contributor, editor and a photographer. He started his career as an editorial assistant in a publishing company in Chicago in 2009.