Stress Affect

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Health and Fitness

Tips For Sending Your Diabetic Child Back To School

Back to school can be very stressful. Now add to the equation the fact that your little one has juvenile diabetes. Well, the situation just went from stressful to downright scary. Will they take proper care of her? Will she know when to ask for help? How will she survive without me by her side? It is also important that you also try pills that can help your child. So what is sugar balance pills and how these pills can help a diabetic patient? Click to find this out. 

Here are some tips for making the beginning of the year a bit less frightening, for you and her!

  1. Make it a team effort- Pretty obvious… you, the school nurse, the teacher, and every other adult that takes part in your child’s education should be on the same page. Your child should feel safe in going to their teacher and requesting special care in checking their blood sugar or needing to call you for reassurance.
  2. Supplies plenty- Like my mom always said, when in doubt… pack more. Seriously speaking, send extra syringes, lancets, and even an extra cheap glucometer for your child to give to their teacher to keep in the primary classroom. And it never hurts to have extra insulin at the nurse’s office.
  3. Educate the educators- They don’t fully understand what is going on with YOUR child. Do not feel bad setting up a conference to discuss a plan of care and treatment protocol. It will probably ease their minds as much as it eases yours.
  4. Have a certain plan in place before testing- Low or high blood sugar can affect cognitive performance, so ask if your child can test their blood sugar 30 minutes before a test. You have that right! Be an advocate for your child’s education.

I can only imagine the worries that go along with diabetic children, especially when they are no longer with you 24 hours a day. I give the parents and kids all the credit in the world. You are an inspiration to all mommies and daddies!

Jaime London is a writer, contributor, editor and a photographer. He started his career as an editorial assistant in a publishing company in Chicago in 2009.